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Posts published in “Spygate”

Clinton Foundation Funding is brought Into Question by Durham

Reading Time: < 1 minutes #Durham filing indicates “Clinton campaign” + “multiple former employees” have “matters” before Special Counsel. “In addition to their representation of the defendant (Danchenko), a separate lawyer at the firm is currently representing the…“Clinton Campaign” as well as multiple former employees of that campaign, in matters before the Special Counsel…On each…

FBI Crossfire Hurricane unit watched Trump the day he took oath of office

Reading Time: 2 minutes By Rowan Scarborough FBI Agent Peter Strzok and his FBI Crossfire Hurricane unit were focused on the White House during President Trump’s inauguration celebration, so much so that the “angry” agent complained he was kept out of the loop on a bureau counter-intelligence briefing there. Mr. Strzok, who would later be fired for his anti-Trump messages to FBI lawyer Lisa Page,…

Dirty Cop James Comey Got Caught

Reading Time: 7 minutes By Anon In the last days POTUS and his administration have been ramping up the rhetoric in pace with the revelations on the Spygate scandal. James Comey has every reason to be worried about the release of previously classified intel on his misdeeds, building momentum to what appears to be…

Ezra Cohen-Watnick and His Involvement in Spygate.

Reading Time: 3 minutes Flynn “going down” was part of “The Plan.” Trump and his team knew that DS (Deep State)was illegally spying on Trump, Flynn, and others. They also knew that DS had lots of corrupt prosecutors and judges installed, which would have made prosecutions impossible early on. They needed a way to…

General Flynn Could Fry Mueller-and 4 Treasonous US Presidents

Reading Time: 6 minutes Posted by IMOwired on November 12, 2017 General Flynn could take down the NWO agenda within the US involving at least the last 4 Administrations.  The Russian/Trump Collusion Hoax not just a means to destroy political opponent Donald Trump. It also provided an excuse for Mueller to target General Flynn…